LOTD # 99. B&W


on BlackFox 
Hair: [taketomi]_Godou_Black01 
Glasses: [CheerNo] SHADES_Retro Round_Natural
Ears: Steking Ears [MANDALA] 
Necklace: Cobrahive - Sabishinju Necklace
Shirt: [Pumpkin]Big tee - GOD 
Short: CREDO / DropCrotch_Leather_Black (pack)
Shoes: DECAZ
Bangle: +ROZOREGALIA+*Gazellver*Armlet1 POP

on Freezea
Hair: TRUTH. Rogue -  light blondes
Glasses: SORGO Thala
Necklace: LaGyo. Hamsa set for @FAMEshed
T-Shirt: Spirit Store  Mike t-shirt 
Boots: 2PM. Gee gee boots @TGM
Backpak: Zenith

1 comment:

  1. love that! the colors - the pose - the style! all yours <3
